Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Our First Give*way!

It’s a Give*way!! Really it’s a bribe to get all you comment on new posts. The prize? A $10.00 gift certificate to Target!....What? You think I’m made of money or something!? Okay, it’s not much but it’s something. So here are the rules:

*You have to be a contributor to this food blog. If you would like to be a contributor, you are welcome to join! I have to know you, though. Let me know via email and I’ll invite you so you can be a contributor.

*To enter, you make a comment on THIS POST, answering this question: What is a memory you have involving some good eats (or bad eats)? You may make as many comments as you like with different answers to this question. The final day to add a comment will be Thursday, January 29th, 2009 at midnight PST.

I will then pick a comment randomly and announce the winner the next day, Friday, January 30th.

My answers to “What is a memory you have involving some good eats?” (I won’t put my comments in the drawing.)

*I remember going to a local Chinese food restaurant with my family when I was pretty young and tasting sweet and sour pork for the first time. Man, I thought that was the best thing I had ever put into my mouth!

*I’m the fourth of five kids. By the time I became a teenager, my mom was trained well in the art of dealing with teens. She’d be stirring up something on the stove or sticking a pan in the oven when we would ask, “What’s for dinner?” She knew most of whatever she was going to say came with a complaint so instead of telling us what we were really having, she would say that we were having “Wilberg Delight.” (Wilberg is my maiden name.) So now we have an ongoing joke about having “Wilberg Delight” for dinner. And I think that I’ll use that, too, when the time comes.

Okay, so does that sound good? Like I said this is just to get you to check the blog out and comment on posts. I mean, everyone wants to know that someone is reading what they just wrote, right? Can't wait to read your answers!


Tami said...

We have something similar in our house. Kids ALWAYS asking what's for dinner and the usual answer is "liver and onions."

Lane and Katie Eyre said...

haha.. I love it!! and I love Target!

My food memories now really evolve around Addison.. her first taste of peas, her first taste of icecream... and my favorite now... anytime I make something she just says,"ooh, mom this is good. What did you use to make this?"

Hadleys said...

My favorite memory of food is eating at the Broadmoar Hotel outside of Denver. There, I witnessed the art of presentation. I was 8 and realized why people eat at fancy restaurants. Other favorite memory is watching Julia Child on PBS. I still love her! I have most of her cookbooks, several DVDs of "The French Chef" & "The Way to Cook," and one of my favorite books ever is "My Life in France" - a life-changing read!

Sara Roberts said...

Kathy--what a trooper! I really will make time to post another recipe someday. I feel like I mostly cook broccoli, rice and carrots lately--not very glamorous. One of my best "good eats" memory was when I was living in Taiwan and took a couple of weeks to travel around. I was in Krabi, Thailand, and had sea food. Not just any seafood but fresh lobster and shrimp and it melted in my mouth. Part of the goodness might be the fact that I had lived almost 6 months in Taiwan and the cuisine there has much to be desired. In Thailand, it was a very nice restaurant, candlelit, great service, fresh flowers everywhere, amazing seafood and the bill for two people with a generous tip was around $16.00. Love it! (if you can't tell, ambiance is a big factor for me--an outdoor restaurant across the street from the beach in Thailand is hard to beat)

Sherry Go Sharing said...
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Tami said...

I grew up in CA near the NV border and my family loved to drive into NV for the casino buffets. My favorite was the Ormsby House in Carson City. Their logo totally reminds me of Guns 'N' Roses, but that's beside the point. I don't know what other food they had, but their dessert bar was amazing! They had three different dessert stations with three or four tiers each of cake after cookie after pie after pudding after fudge after anything else you can imagine. My sister and I used to see how many different desserts we could taste before getting sick. :) I had to watch out though because I learned the hard way that they like to put rum in their brownies! I was only 10! :)

Kristine said...

Some of my favorite food memories:
1. Fresh squeezed lemonade in Jordan (the country). I think I may have just been really thirsty, but it tasted so good...I still think about it sometimes.
2. Soba noodles, especially from my favorite soba noodle shop in Japan. The noodles were fresh and the owner would always come and talk to us and make us special treats like tofu burgers that were yummy.
3. Max Brenner's House of Chocolate in NYC...that's right, a menu full of good chocolate choices. I had chocolate soup. What a fun idea!

The list could go on. I love food!

Lane and Katie Eyre said...

Kathy, this has nothing to do with this post. I just peeked at your family blog, and saw you in front of Charm City Cakes..... I am JEALOUS! I love the show, and I love Duff.... (well, okay, not really)- you lucky girl! It looks like fun out there!

Kathy said...

I love all your comments, guys! So fun! Tami, gettin' a little sauced, eh? :) Kristine, I'm totally going to go to that Chocolate place when we get up to NYC some day soon. I feel lucky we that we're so close to so many crazy famous/historic places, like what Katie was talking about. I love, LOVE Ace of Cakes which is on the Food Network, and it's in Baltimore, just 45 minutes away so while going to the Baltimore Aquarium we also drove past the Charm City Cakes. Like I said in my blog, I was star struck and we didn't even meet anyone! But something funny, a guy came out of the building while Scott was across the street taking my picture. I thought he was going to wait till he past by, but Scott ended up taking a photo of the guy too because he thought the guy might be in the show and sure enough, he IS in the show! So I've got a picture with me and Adam Goldstein, a famous cake-ster! He's even wearing the same coat he has on in one of the episodes! So cool...okay, I'm a little pathetic, but still cool.

Cecy said...

Hi Kathy, Okay I'm getting around to this. I don't know if I have anything fun to say but this is what I can think of right now so here it is...

I learned a lot about cooking from my grandma. She is the best cook and I looked forward to going to her house as a child becuase I knew I was going to get her delicious pancakes, pumpkin cookies, potato salad, beef stew, lemon cheesecake, roast and potatoes, and the list could go on. There were also things she made I would never eat, one being LIVER AND ONIONS! I laughed when I read Tami's comment and that's what reminded me of this. DISGUSTING! It smelled gross, it looked gross, and it tasted worse than it looked or smelled. NEVER EAT IT. Fois Gras, my eye!

One more becuase this is funny to me now that I am the one watching teenagers stuff their faces with doritos and brownies and wearing a size 0 pair of jeans at the same time. I could eat whatever I wanted at 16 too becuase I played some sport all year round I always burned more calories than I ate, it just didn't affect me like it does now. I was at a family dinner and there was lots of yummy food. I piled my plate with the healthy stuff, and stuffed my face. Then of course I went back for dessert. I had an array of cookies, brownies, etc. on my plate and when I sat down two of my aunts (who had newborns and a few extra pounds according to them)were staring at me with big eyes and incredulous looks. Apparently they had just finished talking about what a healthy eater I was and no wonder I was still thin. Then they told me to go eat my plate of junk in front of someone my own age so they didn't have to watch me!

Jocelyn said...


You must be so proud of me! I've finally made a Google account!

You asked us for memories including good or bad eats. When I was about seven I made a batch of bar cookies without any help for the first time. Unfortunately, I misunderstood the amount of baking soda the recipe called for. Instead of adding a 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda, I added 1/4 cup. As you can imagine, they were very disgusting. Besides the horrible taste, the surface was pitted all over in a really ugly way. Astonishingly though, they were all eaten!! What can you say? I have seven brothers who must have been desperate for a treat. Overall, it was a very good learning experience.

I still like to bake, but I enjoy making candy too. I often wonder why I can bake/make candy when these skills do my health NO good!! My Grandma Wagner died when I was 18. Recently I learned that she was a really good candy maker, she baked really well, and she cooked well. Although I still don't think being able to bake/make candy is very good for me, I feel a special connection with my grandma I hadn't felt before! And yes, I make candy occasionally--and I think of my sweet grandma!