Monday, March 10, 2008

St. Patrick's Day Puff Pancakes

Hi Everyone! Julie R. just sent me an email about a green tradition we have in our house. It started with my mom and we have carried it in our lives, too. Although I have no Irish in me we like to celebrate this green holiday with a totally green breakfast, either served for breakfast or if you're more of a night person and just don't want to get up that early, you can have a green breakfast for dinner. That's what I have been doing lately. Anyway, Julie wanted a recipe for what we call Puff Pancakes. Scott grew up with these and I never had them till he came into my life. But we love them now! They are also known as German Pancakes. So here's the recipe we use. Just add a little green food coloring and you're set for St. Patty's day.

Another St. Patty's breakfast tip: In college we had a green breakfast group date. We wanted to make green bacon so we put it in green water for a while. Yeah, not good. The water sucked out all the salt! It was nasty! So for green bacon don't do that but while you are frying it up drop of few drops right on the bacon and there you go!

Okay, okay! Here's the recipe!

Scott’s Puff Pancakes

½ cube butter

½ c. sugar

6 eggs

1 c. flour

1 c. milk

¼ tsp salt

¼ c. orange juice (optional)

Preheat oven to 425. Melt butter in 9x13 pan whiled mixing batter. Pan should be hot when batter is poured into it. Mix and beat together all ingredients (don’t over beat). When butter has melted, pour mixture into dish and bake for 17-20 minutes. You must watch it. It will puff high so don’t put it on top oven rack. Must serve immediately. Makes about 6 servings.