Friday, February 20, 2009

Jjajangmyun (Noodles with Black Bean Sauce)

I can't help but add a Korean recipe. This recipe can be found at If you go to their website you can watch a video on how to make this. I chose this recipe because most Americans seem to like it and it is fairly simple to make. Also, you only need a few ingredients at a Korean/Asian market.

For four large servings:

* 1 ½ - 2 cups pork cut into 1/4 to 1/2 inch cubes (sometimes I make substitutions using other meat here. I’m sure the Koreans would die if they knew that! And we like the meat cut much small)
* 1/2 T. vegetable oil
* 2 T. vegetable oil
* 7 T. black bean paste (Jjajang). In a Korean or Asian market they should be able to help you find it.
* minced ginger to taste—about two teaspoons (optional)
* 2 c. onion cut into ½ inch cubes - the onion flavor is very important in this recipe. Although, I use a little less
* 1 c. potato cut into ½ inch cubes
* 1 c. radish (I prefer without) cut into ½ inch cubes. Buy at a Korean store. They are a little different than in American stores.
* 1 c. zucchini cut into ½ inch cubes
* 3 c. water
* 2-3 T. potato starch OR corn starch mixed with 2 T. water
* About 1 t. sugar. More if the sauce has a too salty taste
* Prepared Jjajang (Udon type) noodles. In the Korean market ask for Jjajang or Udon (Koreans say Udong) noodles. The kind that are thick and chewy. If you get a 2.2 lb package, 3 bunches should be sufficient for 4 servings. (To prepare noodles, boil water in a big pot. Add the noodles and close lid. Cook until done. About 3 minutes, unless the package notes otherwise. Noodles should not be firm, or mushy.)
* Note: you can use rice instead of noodles.

Heat 1/2 T. oil. Fry pork. When the pork is well cooked and the color turns golden brown, drain all the hot fat and set the pork aside. Leave in wok or pan for future use.

Preheat a small skillet over medium heat with the 2 T. vegetable oil. When hot, add the 7 T. black bean paste and stir fry for one minute. Remove and discard the extra oil and set the bean paste aside.

Reheat your pork and add 1 T. oil. Add the radish and potato and stir fry for two minutes. Add the onion and zucchini and stir fry for another two minutes. Add the three cups water, submerging the vegetables. Cover and let boil, about 15-20 minutes. Remove cover and skim off any foam from the surface. Ensure vegetables are done by checking to see if potatoes are tender. When they are, add the fried black bean paste from the small skillet. Stir. Mix corn starch and water. Add to mixture. You should have a sticky sauce. Add sugar ½ tsp at a time and check. Add until it suits your taste.

Place desired amount of hot noodles on a plate or in a bowl. Add desired amount of hot black bean sauce over the top. Don't eat Jjajang myun cold!!


Kathy said...

I'm always so impressed how adventurous you are in the kitchen, Jocelyn!

Thanks for the international recipe!